The tech industry offers a lot of great jobs covering a wide variety of specialties and can be highly rewarding if each team member is in the right position at the right time. At times, though, you may notice the people you manage are no longer passionate about their job. Before you slide into those recruiting strategies to replace a current employee, let’s see if there is an actual need for it.

Employee Termination | Anderson Sterling Associates

If only we could be a bit more like The Donald. He makes firing people so easy on his "Apprentice" shows. Of course he's not an HR professional that must deal with the conflict and the aftermath of an employee termination. Even though it can be stressful, don't rush the process- everyone involved will be better off in the long run, even if you get flak for taking so long. Avoid the worst case scenario: litigation from the terminated party.

How about a checklist to get you through the process? From a pair of lawyers, here are some best practice items to think about.


do's and don'ts of starting a new jobThere are a number of articles that suggest how to look and act your best when starting your new job. Much of it is good advice, but there are also some gaps that exist because everything seems so obvious. But not everything is as it seems.

It has been said that twenty-first century survival depends on knowing how to change jobs. He or she who excels at landing their next job is the one who thrives best!

Jobs in the tech sector, especially CIO jobs, are out there. Chances are you’ve scored a couple of interviews, so here are three must-do’s to add to your job seeking expertise.


"Anderson Sterling Associates is not only the most competent search firm I have worked with, but their unique business model is more cost effective and time saving than any recruiting company I know of."
-Bo Thomas
CFO at Raytheon Space Systems